
Candy Farming - Regular + XL Candy for specific Pokémon

Regular price €10,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €10,00 EUR
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Candy Farming

This service will get you a ton of candy to power up Pokémon to Level 50. ~300 XL candies are needed to max 1 Pokémon.

Pokémon from current Events, aswell as current season spawns are eglible for this service. If you are unsure what those Pokémon currently are, don't hesitate contact us before purchasing this service.

You will also get random shinies and hundos from this service, aswell as a bunch of XP and Stardust for catching the Pokémon.

How does this work?

After the purchase we need your account information. We log into the account and complete the service as stated.

Make sure to have enough space for the purchased amount of Pokémon.

In order to ensure a quick process, please enter your account information during the payment process in the field 'other comments.


Platform: Gmail, PTC, Facebook etc.

Email: pokegomarket@gmail.com

Password: Pokemon12!


Delivery times

We try to provide 24/7 support again as soon as possible, but until then please take note of our business hours.

Business hours: 9:00 am - Midnight Central European Time


When will the order be started?

The order will be started as soon as we see it, 8-12 hours after placing the order in the worst case if we were asleep.

Can i stay logged in during the service?

Generally no, altough it's safe to login while having GPS disabled (Android Users only). We advice you not to login during the process, to avoid complications. If you login with disabled GPS, don't do any actions besides looking at your Pokémon, or it will disturb the process and possibly flag your account.

Do i have to have a certain level for this service?

You have to be atleast level 31 to be able to recieve XL Candy from Pokémon.

Where will the service take place?

You can choose between New York or Tokyo.

Will my current Pokémon be transfered?

All your previously Pokémon stay untouched, you don't have to be afraid of loosing anything.

Will i be notified when the service is completed?

We will notify you according to the method you contacted us at first, Discord or live chat. You will also recieve an email once the order is finished. 

I don't want to share my main gmail adress, what can i do?

If you want to retain the privacy of your main gmail account, you can create a facebook dummy accoount and link it to your pokemon go account. Sometimes facebook has a 1 hour cooldown before a fresh account can be linked to a game.